Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"its Complicated"

Okay So back like a week ago I wrote about my drives to and from Montevallo and how they are the probably the time when I do my best thinking.  Well, I was driving along and thought to myself (I can't tell you how I got to this point, just to be clear I'm random so don't judge) ANYWAYS! I thought to myself, Why does everything have to be complicated?? Especially for women!! This post really only has to deal with how most women think or act, not men.  If you think about it though, for MOST (not all) women, everything is complicated.  A cup might not be just a cup.  Its the cup your grandmother gave to you when you were a baby and you have had it for years, or, a phone call a text from a guy isn't just that "he most def. called because he wants to date me, is mad at me, etc."  Also, a breakup, its not just any breakup, ITS ALWAYS a complicated story.  I am guilty of it myself.  Actually that is what brought me on the thought.  I was thinking about how I would explain why me and some of my ex boyfriends didn't work out, and before I could even finish my thought, I would give up and just think "its too complicated," and then that is how my mind just jumped to WHY does everything have to be complicated?  Men ask/complain/joke all the time about how women are so complicated to understand and it drives them nuts and I had no sympathy for them because as women (even if you dont want to admit it) we are blind to see the mood swings we tend to have.  Driving on Sunday I now see where their frustration comes from because as a women if we can't understand why we do the things we do, then men are just plain screwed on the issue.  But really, why do things always seem complicated?  I kind of came up with the fact that I think most women don't want to be categorized, part of a statistic, or made seem like their situation isn't special.   No women wants to admit what pain or suffering she is or did go through is like any other person's situation out there.  I know its true for me.  Especially in painful situations, for whatever time I need to grieve the last thing I want someone to tell me is that they understand or that they went through the same thing because for that moment there is no possible way in my head that anyone could understand. so I came up with the conclusion that  WOMEN JUST WANT TO BE UNIQUE.  What do you think?? :)  

Advice for ALL MEN!!!! We are ALWAYS right (saves you a lot of time  so just go ahead and swallow your pride now),  Oh and women NEVER want to hear that you understand what they are going through.  As I said before there is no possible way you could,  BECAUSE....


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