** I.D.D.= Intellectual and/or Development Disability
** D.S.- Down Syndrome
My dream was that I was pregnant and had a baby that had Down syndrome. ****I AM NOT Pregnant!!!! But anyways! For those of you who do not know people who have down syndrome kind of melt my heart, and yes I am fully aware someone with down syndrome is a lifelong care taking and takes a lot of patience. Still!!! it is one of my goals to adopt a child with down syndrome. WHY?? Because they are the most amazing, and precious people ever. It makes me angry to know that 90% of all baby diagnosed with down syndrome before birth are killed by abortion. WHAT???? 90%????? ARGGHHH!!!!!
A person with an Intellectual and/or Developmental Disabilities are just like any other person, they have feelings, they have a mind (beautiful one at that), they joke, they eat, they breath, they think, and they love!!!!
For someone to abort a baby that has Down syndrome baffles me!!!
Some misconceptions:
1. They will never work or function in the world!! ****FALSE!!! There are programs and school systems that teach basic needs so a person with down syndrome can take care of themselves, work for a living, and even live by themselves.
2. They don't understand us because they are retarded!! *** FALSE!!!! First of all, DON'T call anyone with an intellectual and/or Developmental disability retarded. One, its not longer politically correct. Two, you don't know what disability they have so you could be judging a book by its cover and that person could very well have normal intelligence and hear you and have their feelings hurt. Three, everyone has feelings whether they understand you or not to make fun of or tease a kid with an IDD, whether its in front of their face or behind their back, is probably the most awful thing you can do in my eyes, I firmly believe you will hold a special place in Hell if you do. OK back on topic. A person with D.S. is very much aware of what you say, depending on severity will determine how high or low functioning they will be. You don't know, and you know what they say about people that assume. If you ever get the chance just talk to a person with Down syndrome. They have relationships, jobs, they joke, and most have more personality or are smarter than some people I know.
3. "Don't touch them, you will catch it because they have a disease!" ***FALSE!!! ... this might sound awful, but believe it or not, more times than not this is what people think or have said. A person with down syndrome does not have a disease. They have a disability. You can't "catch" it. Yes they look different, but personally I think they are beautiful!!! This makes me sad when I hear this, a person with D.S. is a human being. They get put in the background of society because of negative social norms. This means that people ignore, look away, or avoid people with not only D.S. but with other IDDs as well, because society have perceptions that has made it seem like a person with an IDD isn't "as good" or "worthy enough" or "able" to be apart of our society. This is not true!!!, and I would keep going but Ill move on.
I want to talk about a program I am in at the University of Montevallo. Its called Best Buddies. It is where a College aged student gets paired with a person with an IDD and they become friends. Does this sound weird? or like charity?? well it isn't. We call our buddies once a week, and we hang out with them on an one on one basis twice a month. We don't pay for them, they have rides and ways of transportation, so it isn't charity by any means. This basic system creates a bond with a person with an IDD, it creates awareness, and it gives people with an IDD the opportunity to get involved in their community. The creator's goal of this program is to go out of business. WHY? because he wants their to be no need for a program like this to exist. He wants it where any person with any IDD are socially accepted and no longer categorized in a lower social class because of their disability. Beautiful right?! I love this program. My buddy's me is Nicole. She is 39, loves bowling she even bowls on the team during the Special Olympics, basically she can kick my butt in bowling, she LOVES Michael Jackson and she knows every word to most songs, she calls herself a performer, and she loves movies. I would have to say this program is the most eye opening and enriching experience ever! It gives you a new perspective and you create a friendship that is life long.
Also Best Buddies is supports a cause called "Spread the word to end the word". This word is Retarded. Many people don't even realize that we say it, "oh gosh you're being so retarded" or "that's retarded". Me included, until I heard of this cause I never really realized. You never know who can hear you or whose feelings you could hurt. So now I am a supporter of Spread the Word to End the Word. I am not perfect, I have caught myself saying it, but its time to get that word out of our vocabulary.
This is me and Nicole at a Halloween Party at her school. Of course she dressed up at Michael Jackson and showed me up on the dance floor.
On a lighter note.
I would have to say I am more than ready for this semester to be over!!!!
Just an update:
Just had an amazing Thanksgiving break with my family, and had an AWESOME! 5 day break.
I have lost a total of 32 pounds, its slowing down so I guess this means that I should start (ugh) working out, is it me or are those two words just like the same as the devil??? Well to me working out is just hearing DEVIL DEVIL DEVIL!!! SAY NO!!!:)
Me and Chase have been together for a month (as of November 28th)... haha yes I am that loser that keeps up with that.
I have way too many days before Christmas break, not only that but TOO MUCH STUFF!! I have two projects (one of which is a final), I have to finish like 20 quizzes for my music class, I have a test in Normal Language, a couple of test in Anatomy, a couple of test in Phonetics, a test in Nutrition. UGHHHHH and only ONE MORE WEEK of regular classes left before finals start!!!! Its times like these that wonder why I take 18 hours. Just go ahead and take me out back and shoot me. haha but for real I hope I can hold my sanity until the end of the semester.