Wednesday, October 26, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

Hmm... where should I start????  Well I'm 20 years old, I'm a speech pathology major.  I have two loving parents that have been together for over 30 years.  I have one sister, one brother, brother-in-law, and two nephews.  My best friends in the entire world are Bre, Amber and Kelsey.  Without my family and friends I dont know where I would be.  I have currently lost 25 pounds... Its not big compared to my real goal!! I want to lose 70lbs.  I'm a Delta Gamma, and I LOVE IT!!!!! other than that I'm about to post pictures of some of my favorite things...

That was on Bid day Last year... Sarah Beth is my roommate

Delta Gammas Pledge Class this year.

My Little(on the right) Caitlin, we are kind of meant to be and My Big(on the left) Jordan, well we were kind of meant to be too :)

 I LOVE palm trees, I want one in my yard whenever I get a house.
I have a bucket List, the 1st thing is I want to milk a cow, the second is I want to go skydiving

Favorite Flowers

Favorite Drink

Favorite Candy!!!  Absolutely the way to my heart

 I have seen this so many times that I could probably quote every word.

 If Im having a bad day... Mexican chips, salsa, and cheese dip can always fix it.

I LOVE music, and I listen to it all. Love to jam out in my car.

One of my adorable nephews :)... hes my little man

My FUTURE dog... I will have one they are so stinking cute

One of my best friends, we love to go dancing

Bre my other best friend, pretty much amazing!! we love adventures

Oh and sunday drives :)!!!!!

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