Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"She turned her can'ts into cans, and her dreams into plans"

I changed my Facebook into the Timeline and as I looked back not only did I realize how much has changed but I also found some embarrassing pictures and statuses.  Well for those of you who I have not introduced Timeflies to, YouTUbe them.  It is two guys; one who raps and the other produces the beats.  Well every tuesday the guys comes up with a beat and Freestyle to it.  Sometimes they are holiday orientated, about sports, beer, haha or pretty much anything.  Well this weeks I thought was AMAZING!! Look it up: "Timeflies Tuesday:2011".  Well while listening to this weeks it made think about everything I have accomplished this year.  This is where I have to thank Facebook for the Timeline profile, made it a lot easier to reflect on the past twelve months :)... 

My cat (only pet I ever really knew/had) of 14 years died :(

This is the first semester I was officially an SLP major :)!!!!!!!! 

  Oh and I got an open Bid from Delta Gamma

I got my Big Jordan :)!!! 

Let just skip to April :):::
Two little angels came into my life this month :)!!!! My precious and wonderful Nephew Grayson!!! :) 4/14/11

and my beautiful best friend's baby AYden :) 4/18/11

Oh and I turned 20 (whoop whoop.. NOT)

I got my stuff together and finished my semester with 3 A's 1 B and 1 C.

My life pretty much consisted of working under the sun as a lifeguard, working, oh and working :)
 But don't think I didn't make so many  memories I will never forget.

Went on road trip to Savannah Georgia!!!
thats the place we got coffee!!!

I started my quest to losing 70 pounds :)....

Started my Junior year of college!!! :)

Recruitment which was Amazing :)

Oh and hey I got initiated so I officially became a Delta Gamma

 Went to the beach with the best Friend:

I got my one and only Little :)

and fell in love with Timeflies  :)... You know those blessings in disguises?  Well this was the result of one.

Went with my sister and took my nephew on his first Park trip :)

I was the amazing and always classy Snooks for Halloween :)

Also I met the best, Best Buddy ever!! Nicole :)

 Grayson had his first THanksgiving :)

 My little got initiated

 Bonded with the lovely sisters of DG by the water cooler

Also became the V.P. Foundation for Delta Gamma during 2012

First semester in my whole college career that I didn't make a C.  All A's and B's.  :)

Gotten Broken up with (very good thing BTW)

Had an amazing time with family and friends.  Especially being there to see my nephew's First Christmas.

This year has really gone by fast.  I have cried, laughed, and learned a lot. (cheesy I know).  Earlier I talked about blessings in disguise.  Well I meant that as the people who have come into my life this year that although haven't exactly been the best people.  Well without them I wouldnt know the things i know now.  I think the quote goes "no matter how significant the person is, everyone who walks into your life leaves some kind of impression on you."

Update on my weight loss.  As of Today, from AUgust 22nd to December 28. I have lost 36 pounds

NEw years Resolutions:
As for 2012 this is what I know:
I'm turning 21, and the world is supposedly going to end.

So whats my new years resolution???... Well to simply not settle for anything but the best, to not hold back, and last but not least stay true to myself and my goals.

So as for 2012... BRING IT ON!!!

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