Thursday, July 23, 2015

And the Journey Begins... again

This is new to me.. blogging about a weight loss journey. I am embarrassed to say it, but here it goes... I'm a repeat offender. Alright, that stings my pride. However, it is the truth. I ask myself why blog about it this time? Really, the only answer I have is because I am tired of being a repeat offender. I hoping updating this blog and publicly letting everyone know my progress will keep me accountable. Some of you may or may not know but around ...2012 I was about 60ish... ok ok 70 pounds lighter than I am now.  Sad right? Well I am fully aware. Why did I gain all this back? Well 1. I got happy in my relationship 2. I got comfortable 3. I stopped the routine of working out 4. I entered graduate school and lost my good habits with eating

Any who, so the past is the past and I can't dwell or change it now so let me tell you about the last 3 months...
I joined Weight Watchers in April. I was very motivated and very excited, because like all repeat offenders we go with what works. This time, it didn't work. I worked almost 3 months to only lose 13lbs. You might say "That's awesome". To me though that is like a a droplet in a lake. Not only that but I was not consistently losing weight. I would lose 3 lbs one week then gain the next three weeks in a row. The kicker is I would not change how strict I was on the diet. So sadly, I gave up weight watchers.
Next I tried, low carbs, low calories, only water, and lots of working out... guess what?!?!?! I maintained weight. I didn't lose a single pound.

SO... I think to myself why? why deprive myself of the foods I love most and exercise to the point of being sore 98% of time if all I am doing is maintaining. <- this was about a week ago I gave up.

At this point, I'm desperate to get the weight off; I'll pay big money. *Insert* motivation here. I see one of my friends looks SO great and lost all this weight in 3 months. I'm skeptical but hey I can't help but try. I'm on a timeline.

Present day: I have started my new weight loss journey with Weigh In Wellness. Its expensive, but my happiness is worth it.
I was given a packet yesterday and one of the sheets, which are optional to fill out, said name 12 reasons I can revert back to as to why I want to lose weight. So I am going to share them here.

1. I want to be healthy
2. I want to be able to run again without my joints aching
3. I want to look beautiful on my wedding day and be able to pick out a dress from any style
4. I want to wear a bikini again
5. I want to snuggle with the future husband and not worry about hurting him
6. I want to be light enough that I don't have to worry about weight limits
7. I want to look cute in my work scrubs
8. I don't want to have to worry about untagging picture on Facebook that I look fat in
9. I want to feel comfortable taking pictures again.
10. I want to fit into my cute skinny clothes
11. I want to be able to shop online and not worry about if it will fit.
12. I want my future husband to think Im the most beautiful person in the world.

So there you go. Maybe some of my reasons suck or seem silly to you, but they are mine so I guess when I get discouraged or hungry I'll revert back to these.

I'll update my thoughts on the diet and my weight loss next week. Until then.....

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